HLT 205 Week 4 Assignment, Primary and Outpatient Care vs. Hospital Presentation

July 21, 2022

In this assignment, you will be comparing outpatient services to those offered by hospitals. In addition, you will examine the role of primary care to ensure a full understanding as a health care professional about how roles differ between each. Understanding how and why these areas differ is critical to providing high-quality care to patients.
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides that address the following:
  1. What is primary care? Where is it provided? What level of care does it provide? Does it have a proactive or reactive approach?
  2. Compare the roles of outpatient services and hospitals related to their place within the health care delivery system. How are they similar? How are they different?
  3. How have the roles of outpatient services and hospitals evolved from historical times to the present? This has shifted greatly in the past 10 years.
  4. Identify three functions shared by both outpatient services and hospitals. How do outpatient services and hospitals differ in their approach to these functions? How are they similar? Why are these functions shared by both?
  5. Have outpatient services or hospitals been more effective in caring for underserved populations? Explain your reasoning. HLT 205 Week 4
  6. Are the financial challenges faced by hospitals different from those of outpatient services? How are they similar?

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